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How to Test the MPU-6050 and ADXL345 Sensors on Smart Pi One (Python and C)

This guide explains how to connect and test the MPU-6050 and ADXL345 sensors with the Smart Pi One board using both Python (via the smartpi-mpu6050 package) and C. It also covers how to detect the sensors via I2C.


1. Prerequisites


  • Smart Pi One board
  • Jumper wires for connections
  • MPU-6050 sensor or ADXL345 sensor


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • smartpi-mpu6050 Python package
  • I2C enabled on the Smart Pi One
  • python3-smbus system library for I2C communication
  • libi2c-dev package for C development

2. Activating I2C on Smart Pi One (for MPU-6050 and ADXL345)

Before starting with sensor tests, ensure that I2C is enabled on the Smart Pi One. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Armbian-Config via an SSH interface or terminal window:

    sudo armbian-config
  2. Choose System:

    Smart Pi One - System

  3. Select Hardware:

    Smart Pi One - Hardware

  4. Enable i2c1, then Save and Back:

    Smart Pi One - Enable I2C

  5. To finish, Reboot to apply the changes:

    Smart Pi One - Reboot

3. How to Test the MPU-6050 Sensor

Wiring Diagram

Connect the MPU-6050 sensor to the Smart Pi One using this setup:

Smart Pi One - MPU-6050 Wiring

MPU-6050 Pin Smart Pi One Pin Description
VCC (1) 3.3V Power
GND (6) GND Ground
SCL (27) SCL (I2C1 Clock) I2C Clock
SDA (28) SDA (I2C1 Data) I2C Data

Detecting the MPU-6050 Using I2C

Run the following step to verify that the MPU-6050 sensor is detected:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

You should see the MPU-6050 detected at address 0x68.


Using Python to Read MPU-6050 Data

Example Python Script for Testing MPU-6050:

Here’s a complete script to read MPU-6050 from the sensor:

from smartpi_mpu6050.mpu6050 import MPU6050

mpu = MPU6050(0x68)

temp = mpu.get_temp()
print(f"Temperature: {temp:.2f} °C")

accel_data = mpu.get_accel_data()
print(f"Accelerometer: X={accel_data['x']:.2f} m/s^2, Y={accel_data['y']:.2f} m/s^2, Z={accel_data['z']:.2f} m/s^2")

gyro_data = mpu.get_gyro_data()
print(f"Gyroscope: X={gyro_data['x']:.2f} °/s, Y={gyro_data['y']:.2f} °/s, Z={gyro_data['z']:.2f} °/s")

Creating and Running the Script


Install the required system libraries for I2C communication:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus

Install the Python package:

sudo pip3 install smartpi-mpu6050
  1. Open a text editor, such as nano, and create the Python file:

  2. Paste the script into the file and save it.

    Smart Pi One - nano

  3. Execute the script with the necessary permissions (you may need to use sudo):

    sudo python3

    You should see the temperature, accelerometer, and gyroscope data in the terminal.

    Smart Pi One - nano

Using a C Program to Read MPU-6050 Data

Example C Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include <i2c/smbus.h>  
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define MPU6050_ADDR 0x68
#define PWR_MGMT_1   0x6B
#define ACCEL_XOUT0  0x3B
#define TEMP_OUT0    0x41

int read_word_2c(int fd, int reg) {
    int high = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, reg);
    int low = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, reg + 1);
    int val = (high << 8) + low;
    if (val >= 0x8000) {
        val = -(65535 - val + 1);
    return val;

int main() {
    int fd;
    char *filename = (char*)"/dev/i2c-1";

    if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
        printf("Failed to open the i2c bus\n");
        return 1;

    if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, MPU6050_ADDR) < 0) {
        printf("Failed to acquire bus access and/or talk to slave\n");
        return 1;

    i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(fd, PWR_MGMT_1, 0x00);

    int accel_x = read_word_2c(fd, ACCEL_XOUT0);
    int accel_y = read_word_2c(fd, ACCEL_XOUT0 + 2);
    int accel_z = read_word_2c(fd, ACCEL_XOUT0 + 4);

    int temp_raw = read_word_2c(fd, TEMP_OUT0);
    float temp = (temp_raw / 340.0) + 36.53;

    printf("Temperature: %.2f C\n", temp);
    printf("Accelerometer: X=%d Y=%d Z=%d\n", accel_x, accel_y, accel_z);

    return 0;

Compilation and Execution


Install the required I2C development library:

sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev
  1. Open a text editor, such as nano, to create the C file:

    nano test_mpu6050.c
  2. Paste the C program into the file and save it.

  3. Compile the program with

    gcc -o test_mpu6050 test_mpu6050.c -li2c
  4. Run the program:


    You should see the temperature and accelerometer data printed to the terminal.

    Smart Pi One - Create file

4. How to Test the ADXL345 Sensor


Wiring Diagram

Connect the ADXL345 sensor to the Smart Pi One using this setup:

Smart Pi One - ADXL345 Wiring

ADXL345 Pin Smart Pi One Pin Description
VCC (1) 3.3V Power
GND (6) Ground
SCL (27) SCL (I2C1 Clock) I2C Clock
SDA (28) SDA (I2C1 Data) I2C Data

Detecting the ADXL345 Using I2C

Run the following step to verify that the ADXL345 sensor is detected:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

You should see the ADXL345 detected at address `0x53`.


### Using Python to Read ADXL345 Data

### Example Python Script for Testing ADXL345

Here’s a complete script to read data from the ADXL345 sensor:

from smartpi_mpu6050.mpu6050 import MPU6050

adxl = MPU6050(0x53)

accel_data = adxl.get_accel_data()
print(f"Accelerometer: X={accel_data['x']:.2f} m/s^2, Y={accel_data['y']:.2f} m/s^2, Z={accel_data['z']:.2f} m/s^2")

Creating and Running the Script


Install the required system libraries for I2C communication:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus

Install the Python package:

sudo pip3 install smartpi-mpu6050
  1. Open a text editor, such as nano, and create the Python file:

  2. Paste the script into the file and save it.

  3. Execute the script with the necessary permissions (you may need to use sudo):

    sudo python3

    You should see the accelerometer data in the terminal.

    Smart Pi One - nano

Using a C Program to Read ADXL345 Data

Example C Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include <i2c/smbus.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define ADXL345_ADDR 0x53
#define POWER_CTL     0x2D
#define DATA_FORMAT   0x31
#define DATAX0       0x32

int read_word_2c(int fd, int reg) {
    int low = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, reg);
    int high = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(fd, reg + 1);
    int val = (high << 8) + low;
    return val;

int main() {
    int fd;
    char *filename = (char*)"/dev/i2c-1";

    if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
        printf("Failed to open the i2c bus\n");
        return 1;

    if (ioctl(fd, I2C_SLAVE, ADXL345_ADDR) < 0) {
        printf("Failed to acquire bus access and/or talk to slave\n");
        return 1;

    i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(fd, POWER_CTL, 0x08);  // Set the device to measure mode
    i2c_smbus_write_byte_data(fd, DATA_FORMAT, 0x00); // Set the range to +/- 2g

    int accel_x = read_word_2c(fd, DATAX0);
    int accel_y = read_word_2c(fd, DATAX0 + 2);
    int accel_z = read_word_2c(fd, DATAX0 + 4);

    printf("Accelerometer: X=%d Y=%d Z=%d\n", accel_x, accel_y, accel_z);

    return 0;

Compilation and Execution


Install the required I2C development library:

sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev

Example C Program Steps

  1. Open a text editor, such as nano, to create the C file:

    nano test_adxl345.c
  2. Paste the C program into the file and save it.

  3. Compile the program with:

    gcc -o test_adxl345 test_adxl345.c -li2c
  4. Run the program:


    You should see the accelerometer data printed in the terminal.

    Smart Pi One - Create file

5. Troubleshooting

Common Issues:

  1. I2C Device Not Detected
  2. Ensure I2C is enabled on the Smart Pi One using sudo armbian-config.
  3. Verify the connections of the SDA and SCL pins.
  4. Use the following command to check if the MPU-6050 or ADXL345

is detected:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1
- You should see the address 0x68 (or 0x53 for ADXL345) in the output.

  1. No Data from Sensor
  2. Ensure the correct I2C address (0x68 (or 0x53 for ADXL345)) is being used in the code.
  3. Check power and ground connections.

  4. Library Installation Issues

  5. Ensure that python3-smbus or libi2c-dev is installed, depending on the language you're using.