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Controlling an LED via GPIO on Smart Pi One

This page describes how to control an LED using GPIO on the Smart Pi One, with detailed steps, wiring instructions, a wiring diagram, and code examples in both Python and C.


Required Materials

  • Smart Pi One
  • LED (with resistor around 220Ω to 1kΩ if necessary)
  • Connecting wires
  • Breadboard (optional for easier connections)

Wiring Diagram

Below is the wiring diagram for connecting an LED to GPIO on the Smart Pi One

LED Wiring Diagram

Connecting the LED

LED Wiring Diagram

Connect the LED: - Connect the longer leg of the LED (anode) to GPIO (GPIO7/PIN: 7). - Connect the shorter leg of the LED (cathode) to ground (GND/PIN:9). - If necessary, place a resistor in series with the LED to limit the current (typically around 220Ω to 1kΩ).

Turning on an LED via Command Line (CLI)

Step 1: Turn on the LED

To turn on the LED on GPIO 7:

gpio -g mode 7 out
gpio -g write 7 1

Step 2: Turn off the LED

To turn off the LED:

gpio -g write 7 0

Using Python

Prerequisites: Configuration of smartpi-gpio

To install SmartPi-GPIO on your Smart Pi One, follow these steps:

  1. Update system: ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev python3-pip libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libtiff-dev sudo mv /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED.old

  2. Clone the repository: ```bash git clone cd smartpi-gpio

  3. Install the library: ```bash sudo python3 sdist bdist_wheel sudo pip3 install dist/smartpi_gpio-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

  4. Activate GPIO interfaces: bash sudo pip install smartpi-gpio

Creating the Python Script

  1. Open a terminal on your Smart Pi One.
  2. Create a new Python file using nano:
  1. Copy and paste the following Python code into the file:
import time
from smartpi_gpio.gpio import GPIO

# Initialize GPIO
gpio = GPIO()

# Set GPIO7 as output for the LED
gpio.setup(7, gpio.OUT)

    while True:
        # Turn on the LED
        gpio.output(7, gpio.HIGH)
        print("LED is ON")
        time.sleep(2)  # Keep it on for 2 seconds

        # Turn off the LED
        gpio.output(7, gpio.LOW)
        print("LED is OFF")
        time.sleep(2)  # Keep it off for 2 seconds
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    gpio.cleanup()  # Clean up GPIO
  1. Save the file by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, and finally Enter.

Running the Python Script

To run the Python script, use the following command:

sudo python3

Using a C Program

Creating the C Program

  1. Open a terminal on your Smart Pi One.
  2. Create a new C file using nano:
nano led_control.c
  1. Copy and paste the following C code into the file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "smartpi_gpio.h"

int main() {
    // Initialize GPIO

    // Set GPIO7 as output for the LED
    smartpi_gpio_set_mode(7, OUTPUT);

    while (1) {
        // Turn on the LED
        smartpi_gpio_write(7, HIGH);
        printf("LED is ON\n");
        sleep(2);  // Keep it on for 2 seconds

        // Turn off the LED
        smartpi_gpio_write(7, LOW);
        printf("LED is OFF\n");
        sleep(2);  // Keep it off for 2 seconds

    // Release GPIO resources (this will never be reached)
    return 0;
  1. Save the file by pressing CTRL + X, then Y, and finally Enter.

Compiling and Running the C Program

To compile and run the C program, use the following commands:

gcc -o led_control led_control.c -I/path/to/smartpi_gpio/include -L/path/to/smartpi_gpio/lib -lsmartpi_gpio
sudo ./led_control